Wednesday 15 November 2006

Regular readers will have noticed that I have not posted since early October. This hiatus was initially caused by the moving of Wenlock Towers some half a mile to the South, and its rebuilding in a the modern Palladian style, facing in a new direction. Such works take time.

However that disruption has been followed by various other changes to my circumstances (mainly a new role at my place of gainful employ), which are leaving me less time both to read and to write articles for this blog.

At the same time my agent and I have reluctantly concluded that Lord Alexander's Cipher; or, the Bridekirk Behemoth is unlikely to find a publisher (although the latest highly complimentary rejection described it as "Buchanesque", which is nice) so I must turn my attentions to producing something new.

All of which is building up to my saying that Wenlock will be going into indefinite hibernation. I hope to return to the Blogosphere in due course, either here or in a new form, but until then I would like to thank all my readers and commenters for the support that you have provided me over the last year and several months.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the world of publishing's inability to recognise a new writing talent, and sorry, too, to hear that Wenlock is going on a break.

Have you considered making the book available for download to your legion of Wenlock fans?

All the best with thew new position, and with the new accommodations.

Amanda Ashby said...

Your blog will be much missed but the important thing is that you keep writing.

Good luck and I know that you will have your day - as will the elephants!

Anonymous said...

Hope the Wenlock winter will not be too long and you awake from hibernation refreshed.

Good luck with the next venture. If Lord Alexander retreats to his tent for a bit he,too, may retrun invigorated. There's nothing like writing a new book for making you see where to sharpen up the old one.

And sympathy with the moving. I still have books in carrier bags after the Major Refurbishment in the spring. My kingdom for book shelves that fit!

Annette said...

Sorry to hear about the book but please keep writing. I hope your hibernation isn't for to long. I love reading your bloggs.
Good luck and all the best.

Anonymous said...

I too would love to have access to the finished article, although I appreciate that bootleg copies may not be what you need once it becomes the "lost first novel" of a subsequently-famed writer.

Good to see "hornby trainset" back after all these years !

Jan Jones said...

This regular reader had indeed noticed that you'd vanished, thus cutting down the possibilities for PBW (procrastination before writing).

Don't stay away too long, there's a love. We all miss you.

Vic said...

I wrote two Regency novels before my divorce and managed to snag an agent. After a host of polite rejections, reality intruded and I had to devote most of my energies to work.

It is tough to break into the world of published fiction, and I am in awe of your determination to pursue this rewarding but difficult course. Good luck in pursuing your dream!

Anonymous said...

The storms of wintry time will quickly pass
and one unbounded spring encircle all.

Anonymous said...

The publishing world can be like a Dark Star. But...have you looked into as a possible alternative venue for Lord Alexander?