Tuesday 13 September 2005

Grumpy Old Bookman is pointing out that the first week in October is Buy a Friend a Book week. This sounds like a thoroughly Good Thing, and to be encouraged. I hope that by this time next year I will have a vested interest in recommending a particular book, but for this year I plan to spend the next couple of weeks thinking about which friend, and which book. Suggestions are very welcome, but any particularly self-serving ones will need to be accompanied by appropriate quantities of Green & Black's dark chocloate (yes, Miss Grange, I am thinking of you).

For those who cannot wait until October for something exciting, don't forget that Monday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.


Douglas Hoffman said...

A non-self-serving recommendation: Gun, with Occasional Music, by Lethem. One of the better books I've read recently. If you want something more erudite, but equally fun, I, Lucifer, by Glen Duncan -- a memoir.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you mean . . .

Btw, I was going to send you some Green and Black's, but I started thinking: what if eating this means that Stephen can't fit into his Regency outfit; and what if he therefore has to buy another one; and what if the stress on his bank balance means that he is ruined . . . so to spare you financial ruin, I ate the chocolate myself.

And another btw, the particular book is highlighted, but there's no link. Are we going to get an extract?

Anonymous said...

Highlighting "particular book" was an experiment - it is supposed to work like a footnote. No link at the moment.

This posting is also an experiment, as I am currently sitting in a London coffee shop (very Regency, don't you think) tapping away on the laptop connected to the interweb thingy by "hot spot" (not quite so Regency).

Mason Roach said...

Hi niice reading your blog