Tuesday, 23 August 2005

Once again I must return to the sidewhiskers issue. As I may have previously mentioned, Wenlock has passed the summer months growing a set of sidewhiskers to more closely resemble a true Regency gentleman. The results are in some ways quite good, although you may not quite be confident in confirming this from the recent photo on Kate Allan's blog.

As I say, in some ways quite good. But not in all ways. The problem is not in the shape or luxuriance of the side whiskers, but in their colour. The hair on top of my head is basically a dark brown. The whiskers are however coming out somewhere on the Anne-of-Green-Gables side of auburn. The combination is not really working as well as I would like. It isn't that big an issue while I sit at home working on Lord Alexander's Cipher or the Bridekirk Behemoth, but if I am to take part in the Grand Georgian Costumed Promenade, or the Grand Regency Ball at the Jane Austen Festival will I be reduced to tinting my whiskers? And if so, with what?

Clearly I will need to research Regency trichology.

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